Saturday, April 21, 2007

Vireo is in flight...

George Vargas, one of our RAAM riders, is off on a 63 mile night training ride. He left Huntington Beach shortly after 10:00 p.m. and will ride down the coast to Encinitas. This is the start of the sleep deprivation/ride/rest/ride/rest/ride training that he is doing in preparation for two person Race Across America. His plan is to arrive in Encinitas, get a couple of hours of sleep, train and ride with a client early Sunday morning, rest for two hours, go out for another two hour training ride, rest for two hours and then another 63 mile ride up the coast to Huntington Beach.

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Scrooge is actually happy

The crew have kicked in the fund raising effort in a big way, the Bike Forums group of people have contributed very well. George has good news, hopefully more on that later. I am finally starting to relax a bit on money. We still have some things we would like to address but things are looking good.

The way things are going I am going to have to figure out something else to whine about.