Monday, June 18, 2007

Racing the clock...

to get to Indy and our next cutoff. We had a day of rapid exchanges where Rick took the rollers which were really hurting George with his respiratory issues and George took the flats on the P3, which were incidentally, hurting Rick with his knee/achilles issues. Teamwork at it's finest!

George was finally able to get some significant time off of the bike and some good rest. I'm currently following him and he is hauling ass on his 50 mile pull, averaging 19+ the entire time so far. What a difference from this morning, he looks GREAT out there! He stopped once to ask for Rolaids and I noticed that he was coughing up a little bit of blood when he was spitting, but it's dark and I couldn't tell how much. I have a call into our team doctor right now.

Rick keeps on keepin' on. He said tonight that he's having the time of his life out here! With Shari supporting him now, he is really being taken care of and is able to recover and get out there and do it over and over again.

The crew has really pulled together after our meeting yesterday and the operation is running much more smoothly. The rest of the crew are really helping Shari and myself out, knowing that we are down to sleeping whenever the riders do, which isn't much! It is so nice to finally see everyone working together toward a common goal...getting these guys to Indy...and ultimately to Atlantic City!

I know that I always end this way, but it's worth repeating again and again...

I couldn't be more proud of these guys. It's truly amazing to watch them put their bodies through living hell pull after pull.


Terry said...

Okay Everbody,
Rick and George are doing good and need your positive visualizations to help them to the finish. In your minds eye, visualize Rick and George as the strong, healthy,determined freaking stud athleletes that they are easily, exchangeing pulls as they racing to each time station omn their way to Atlantic City. Not only can they do this. They ARE DOING IT!
Sooches to Rick Hugs to George and the crew. Terry

Timmer said...

Rick & George ---

Each day we follow your progress from far, far away. I am awed by your courage and commitment.

Your spirit is with us as we turn the cranks out here on the "home roads", as is ours with you.

Godspeed. And, as Steve Born said, simply: "Stay on the bike".


PJ said...

Guys - if it was easy, anybody could do it and you both aren't just anybody! F'in AWESOME - you're truly amazing an inspiration to us all. KEEP ROLLING, we're all pulling for you! Patrick

cjbruin said...

Fantastic guys! More than 2/3 of the way there!!! Keep spinning.

Anonymous said...

You guys are killn it way to go !!!!!!!! Keep up the amazing work your almost there......

Maddmike said...

Awesome guys...

Keep it up, we're all pulling for you!!

cjbruin said...

NICE! I just came back to look at your progress and you've gong from 900 to 800 miles to go. Wow!

cjbruin said...

Way to go on making the cutoff!!! Glad to hear you got some rest. Keep it up...and be nice to your crew :)